BVMPRS was born as a glimpse of hope for man's ambition and improvement, without prejudice or censorship.
When you reach a goal, you feel able to overcome new opportunities that emerge on your path, you feel totally full and with a formidable worth. For this reason, we want you to start from the point where you are and to overcome all those obstacles that you encounter on the way, firmly and vigorously. Presenting ambition and self-confidence is what makes us develop our full potential, without decay and without settling for a gray life. With our motto "Follow The Flame" we want to show you that what makes life bright is the fulfillment of your purposes and ambition is what will keep you moving, like the flame that we all hide inside.
From BVMPRS, we invite you to follow the path of your own flame, accompanied by the passion of progress that you still have to travel, together with us.
Everyone has a different flame, a different story. And you? What is yours?
# FollowTheFlame